JointHealth™ express   February 5, 2018

Want to ask a world leading rheumatologist or physical or occupational therapist your burning arthritis question?

Here’s your chance! ACE will once again be hosting the Arthritis Broadcast Network’s #CRArthritis Facebook and Twitter Live event at the 2018 Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRA) Annual Scientific Meeting and Arthritis Health Professions Association (AHPA) Annual Meeting.

Send us your burning arthritis questions by February 15th so we can ask the experts during the #CRArthritis live broadcast on February 21st to February 23rd. Experts to be interviewed include Canada’s leading rheumatologists, physio and occupational therapists, researchers and patient organization and health charity leaders.

Click here to send your questions.

More about #CRArthritis

The Arthritis Broadcast Network’s #CRArthritis Facebook and Twitter Live event is powered by ACE and supported by representatives from the Arthritis Patient Advisory Board of Arthritis Research Canada, Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance, and Canadian Spondylitis Association. Arthritis Broadcast Network is the world’s largest patient-led arthritis news outlet, bringing you the latest information on medical research findings to inspirational stories and life hacks.

Special thanks to the CRA and AHPA for including our event at their annual meetings.