JointHealth™ express   May 9, 2019

Good news for British Columbians living with psoriatic arthritis

BC PharmaCare has recently added biologic biosimilar etanercept (Erelzi®) to their provincial formularies for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis.

Erelzi is approved for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis according to criteria detailed in HLTH 5360 (initial/switch) or HLTH 5361 (renewal) and when prescribed by a rheumatologist. Erelzi is approved for patients granted special authority (SA) as of April 9, 2019. The biologic originator (Enbrel) is only available to patients granted SA prior to April 9, 2019.

Please note pediatric rheumatologists do not have to complete an SA request for pediatric patients diagnosed with common pediatric rheumatology indications when using up to 50 mg of etanercept weekly. ParmaCare covers a maximum 28-day supply of etanercept per fill. Click here to read the limited coverage drugs listing.