JointHealth™ express May 28, 2010
British Columbia is on the verge of the most significant drug policy reform in the past 15 years. In anticipation of the BC Government's announcement in late June on new policies aimed at lowering generic drug pricing and a Long Term Pharmacy Agreement, the Arthritis Consumer Experts and the Better Pharmacare Coalition want to ensure that patients' interests are the key consideration in any reform. In doing so, the BC Government would keep its promise for patients to be a "paramount priority" made in the Pharmaceutical Task Force recommendations accepted by the BC Government in May 2008.
We are asking all patients in BC to get involved to make sure that the BC Government keeps the interests of patients, not those of drug manufacturers or pharmacists, as the guiding focus as they overhaul the BC PharmaCare drug review process and drug reimbursement formulary.
Your involvement is critical to ensuring that the government, media and British Columbians are aware of patient and patient group perspectives.
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For more information about this campaign, please click here.
British Columbia is on the verge of the most significant drug policy reform in the past 15 years. In anticipation of the BC Government's announcement in late June on new policies aimed at lowering generic drug pricing and a Long Term Pharmacy Agreement, the Arthritis Consumer Experts and the Better Pharmacare Coalition want to ensure that patients' interests are the key consideration in any reform. In doing so, the BC Government would keep its promise for patients to be a "paramount priority" made in the Pharmaceutical Task Force recommendations accepted by the BC Government in May 2008.
We are asking all patients in BC to get involved to make sure that the BC Government keeps the interests of patients, not those of drug manufacturers or pharmacists, as the guiding focus as they overhaul the BC PharmaCare drug review process and drug reimbursement formulary.
Your involvement is critical to ensuring that the government, media and British Columbians are aware of patient and patient group perspectives.
Get Involved. Visit
For more information about this campaign, please click here.