JointHealth™ express   April 10, 2020

#ArthritisAtHome summary for April 6 to 10, 2020

This week’s #ArthritisAtHome features Dr. Catherine Backman, Eileen Davidson, and Dr. John Esdaile.

#ArthritisAtHome Episode 4: Routine, work balance and well-being during COVID-19 with Dr. Catherine Backman

#MotivationMonday – Dr. Catherine Backman is a Senior Scientist at Arthritis Research Canada and a Professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of British Columbia. In this episode, she speaks about routine, work and life balance, and well-being during COVID-19. She discusses the concept of working from home, teaching kids from home, staying at home, and how to measure productivity.

#ArthritisAtHome Episode 5: Parenting with rheumatoid arthritis during COVID-19 with Eileen Davidson

#WellnessWednesday – Eileen Davidson is a member of the Arthritis Patient Advisory Board of Arthritis Research Canada and an ambassador for the Arthritis Society. Eileen is a well-known patient advocate who engages with a number of arthritis organizations and has been a regular writer with Creaky Joints since 2019. She also has her own blog – Chronic Eileen. In this episode, she will be sharing her insights on parenting with rheumatoid arthritis during COVID-19.

#ArthritisAtHome Episode 6: “How are we going to defeat COVID-19?” with Dr. John Esdaile

#FactsFriday – Dr. John Esdaile is the Scientific Director of Arthritis Research Canada. In this episode, Dr. Esdaile shares his insights on how long the COVID-19 pandemic will last and what scientists in Canada and around the world are working on to help defeat it.

Click here to watch the Arthritis At Home videos.