JointHealth™ express   August 4, 2022

Take the ACE Survey on Arthritis Health Inequities

Health inequities and disparities in Canada exist, are persistent, and in some cases, are growing. Many of these inequities are the results of individuals’ and groups’ relative social and economic disadvantages. Inequities in health outcomes or in access to care can also be systemic where disparities are observable between population groups (for example, racial or ethnic). Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) is committed to understanding and raising awareness about inequities in arthritis care related to service delivery, treating and managing arthritis, and self-advocacy.

The ACE Survey on Arthritis Health Inequities asks people living with arthritis to share details of inequities or discrimination they have experienced or witnessed as well as report on the impact of those incidents and how people care for themselves and others in the face of health inequities.

The Survey is open to people living with any form of arthritis and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your identity will not be known and your responses will remain anonymous. Survey results are stored in a secure, accredited data centre. The Survey deadline is August 23, 2022.

Click here to take the Survey.

To learn more about the Survey, watch this week’s episode of Arthritis At Home with ACE president Cheryl Koehn, and VP of communications and public affairs, Kelly Lendvoy.

We sincerely thank you for your time and participation!

Arthritis Consumer Experts

P.S. If you are an arthritis health care provider, please help us spread the word about the Survey by downloading the PDF poster and placing it in your patient waiting area.

Download PDF poster