JointHealth™ express   January 28, 2011

Webinar: "Transforming Care for Canadians with Chronic Health Conditions: Put People First, Expect the Best, Manage for Results"

The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences appointed an international expert panel of leading thinkers and researchers. Over the course of 18 months the panel of volunteers, chaired by Dr. Louise Nasmith and Dr. Penny Ballem, produced a report that assessed the needs of people with chronic conditions and gave recommendations for appropriate care and support. As well, it examined the state of Canada's healthcare system.

Their vision: "All Canadians with chronic health conditions have access to healthcare that recognizes and treats them as people with specific needs; where their unique conditions and circumstances are known and accommodated by all of their healthcare providers; and where they are able to act as partners in their own care."

On Tuesday, February 8 you can participate in a seminar and webinar that summarizes the results of this important report. Dr. Nasmith, Principal with the College of Health Disciplines at the University of British Columbia, and Dr. Penny Ballem, City Manager for the City of Vancouver, will be hosting this event. The seminar is being held in Vancouver at UBC's Robson Square campus and the webinar can be viewed from anywhere in the world. The event will be broadcast only in English.

Time will be provided for your questions and comments, whether you attend in person or online. However, online dialogue will be by text chat only.

Take part by attending in person or by live webinar. If you are unable to join in, an online video will be available shortly after -- sign up if you wish to be notified when it is available.

The event takes place on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 from 3 p.m - 4 p.m, pacific standard time. Click here to RSVP.