JointHealth™ express February 28, 2012
In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly:
Art History and Arthritis
The cause of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not yet known, but treatment for it has changed over the years as more has been learned about the disease. In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) is taking a look at artists who lived with arthritis. By looking to successful and famous personalities who lived with arthritis and whose achievements were influenced by the disease, we can get a picture of the evolution of its treatment. The artists discussed are high achievers in a field that requires great manual dexterity. In spite of their disease, they continued to create art and they did so by sheer determination and by taking advantage of the resources and treatments of their time.
In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly discover which artists had arthritis and how they made the best of their circumstances to continue making art while living with the pain of arthritis. Also, in this issue you will learn about today’s gold standard of treatment for RA, and how research makes the difference in improving the lives and outcomes of those living with arthritis.
In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly:
Art History and Arthritis
The cause of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not yet known, but treatment for it has changed over the years as more has been learned about the disease. In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) is taking a look at artists who lived with arthritis. By looking to successful and famous personalities who lived with arthritis and whose achievements were influenced by the disease, we can get a picture of the evolution of its treatment. The artists discussed are high achievers in a field that requires great manual dexterity. In spite of their disease, they continued to create art and they did so by sheer determination and by taking advantage of the resources and treatments of their time.
In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly discover which artists had arthritis and how they made the best of their circumstances to continue making art while living with the pain of arthritis. Also, in this issue you will learn about today’s gold standard of treatment for RA, and how research makes the difference in improving the lives and outcomes of those living with arthritis.