JointHealth™ express   May 24, 2012

Live with lupus? Let BC PharmaCare hear “Your Voice”

Do you live with systemic lupus erythematosus? Do you care for someone, or does your organization represent people, with this medical condition? You can provide feedback to British Columbia’s Ministry of Health about belimumab (Benlysta®), for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), via a website called Your Voice.

Through this website, patients, caregivers, and patient groups can add their voices to the BC PharmaCare drug review process by filling out an online questionnaire.

The input is reviewed by the Drug Benefit Council, which then gives recommendations on whether a medication should be covered, and how, by BC PharmaCare. BC PharmaCare then makes a decision based on those recommendations and available resources. Policies and plans already in place also factor in the decision making process.

It is an opportunity for you to share your perspectives on medication decisions that affect you.

Please click here to let BC PharmaCare hear Your Voice. Or, go to the following links:

  • To view the information sheet for belimumab: click here
  • For the Patient Questionnaire: click here
  • For the Caregiver Questionnaire: click here
  • For the Patient Group Questionnaire: click here. (Patient groups are required to register their name with the Ministry of Health before making their submission.)

The submission deadline is midnight on Wednesday, June 13, 2012.