JointHealth™ express   June 20, 2012

NAAP Screening Exam for arthritis is now available online to consumers and healthcare professionals!

Dear JointHealth™ express subscriber,

Through the National Arthritis Awareness Program (NAAP), Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) and the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada (ARC) continue to work together with key members of the Arthritis Alliance of Canada, finding new ways to deliver the most current, evidence-based arthritis information.

One of the NAAP’s success stories was the launch of the ArthritisID and ArthritisID PRO apps* for iPhone and iPad. Over the past year, they were two of the most downloaded Canadian medical apps.

As part of the commitment to broadcast the arthritis story, ACE and ARC—the NAAP co-leaders—added a powerful new feature to the website**: easy to use Arthritis Screening Exams to help consumers and healthcare professionals identify arthritis. Originally made for the apps, they are now available to anyone with access to a personal computer.

The NAAP Consumer Screening Exam: From the website, people answer a series of questions and can point out their painful joints on a graphic of the human body. At the end, the NAAP Consumer Screening Exam analyzes the responses and gives valuable results to help patients and their doctors identify and better manage arthritis.

The NAAP Healthcare Professional Screening Exam: Like the consumer version, healthcare professionals are taken through a questionnaire, which includes a graphic of the human body so that painful joints can be indicated. This exam, however, includes questions that consider some of the medical tests done to help make a diagnosis. The responses are analyzed to help find out whether arthritis is a possibility, and the results can be used to help healthcare professionals and patients work together to manage the disease.

We are excited about the growing list of arthritis tools the NAAP is providing Canadians. We encourage you to visit and take a look at our new Arthritis Screening Exams. Please share the news with your friends and colleagues and provide us your feedback.

* ArthritisID is the most comprehensive free arthritis app for consumers, featuring arthritis medication and treatment information for the most common types of arthritis and the most current evidence-based information for consumers on arthritis prevention, including insights on exercise, diet and nutrition. ArthritisID PRO is the most comprehensive free arthritis app for healthcare professionals, featuring joint exam demonstrations, current “best practice” guidelines for detecting, diagnosing and managing arthritis, and Continuing Medical Education (CME) activity accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada providing Mainpro® M2 Credits.

** Canada’s leading trusted source of arthritis news, information and tools.