JointHealth™ express   September 29, 2016

Arthritis in the Workplace

Government of Canada issues Flexible Work Arrangements report

Working with patients to bring the right to request flexible work arrangements to Canada.

In May and June of 2016, Canadians participated in the online consultation of implementing a meaningful right to request flexible work arrangements under the Canada Labour Code. Stakeholders shared their expertise, concerns, ideas, and personal experiences through online surveys, written submissions, and roundtable discussions.

ACE participated in Flexible Work consulations carried out by the Department of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, attending a regional roundtable in Vancouver and being part of a written submission from the Arthritis Alliance of Canada.

In its post consultation report, the Department made the following references to arthritis:

Under Flexible work arrangements discussion:

While less common, some survey respondents reported that their workplaces offered flexible hours, such as job sharing and part-time work. It was noted that these options are often used by older employees or employees with chronic diseases who wish to remain attached to the labour market, or as a part of an employee’s return-to-work strategy after taking parental or another type of leave.

Under Benefits discussion:

Advocacy groups, as well as several employer and union organizations and academics, stressed that flex work is particularly important for workers with conditions such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis and some mental health issues who have symptoms that are considered episodic, i.e. periods of good health interrupted, often unpredictably, by periods of illness or disability that affect their ability to work. For these individuals, flexible work arrangements are important means to manage their symptoms, be more productive at work and maintain their quality of life.

To find out more about what other stakeholders identified as the benefits and challenges associated with the right to request flexible work arrangements and how they should be implemented, please click here: Flexible Work Arrangements report.