JointHealth™ express   September 30, 2016

JointHealth™ insight – September 2016

Roughly one in five Canadians live with arthritis. Where is our social movement?

Cheryl Koehn, Founder and President of Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) wants to start a movement for arthritis. In this issue of JointHealth™ insight, she comments about the myth of arthritis:

At a recent dinner party, a good friend of mine said something revealing to me: “I don’t think of you as disabled.” My friend’s comment was meant as a compliment but also reflected the still common misperception of arthritis pain as a “condition” associated with getting old and that can’t really be treated. It also reminded me how people with arthritis are often embarrassed about it and live in silence. This in spite of the fact that arthritis affects more than 4.6 million Canadians, is a debilitating disease and the leading cause of work disability in Canada and limits the activities of nearly 20% of Canadians.

To celebrate Arthritis Awareness Month in Canada, this issue of JointHealth™ insight will also highlight two of ACE’s programs:
  • Canada’s Best Workplaces for Employees Living with Arthritis Award
    This year’s program will recognize workplaces who provide an environment that meets the needs of employees living with arthritis to manage their disease and work with symptoms such as pain, fatigue, joint dysfunction or immobility
  • Biosim•Exchange
    A reader-friendly information hub for consumers and health care professionals to get the latest biosimilars news.