JointHealth™ education
best arthritis workplaces
JointHealth™ insight
JointHealth™ express
JointHealth™ podcasts
ACE National surveys
ACE report card
best arthritis workplaces
JointHealth™ insight
JointHealth™ express
JointHealth™ podcasts
ACE National surveys
ACE report card
JointHealth™ insight
September 25, 2024 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2024
July 31, 2024 - JointHealth™ insight – Summer 2024
May 15, 2024 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2024
February 21, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – February 2024
November 8, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – November 2023
September 19, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2023
July 19, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – Summer 2023
May 31, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2023
April 13, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – Spring 2023
March 31, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – Special Edition: March 2023
December 14, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – December 2022
November 24, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – November 2022
September 6, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2022
May 18, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2022
April 6, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – Spring 2022
February 28, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – February 2022
January 31, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – January 2022
December 15, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – November/December 2021
September 15, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2021
July 29, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – July/August 2021
May 18, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2021
April 16, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – April 2021
March 17, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – March 2021
December 17, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – December 2020
December 9, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – Fall 2020
September 23, 2020 - Health and wellness decision-making during a pandemic
August 26, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight - August 2020
July 14, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight - July 2020
June 23, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight: Special Edition – June 2020
May 28, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2020
May 5, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – Spring 2020
December 18, 2019 - JointHealth™ insight – November/December 2019
October 12, 2019 - Arthritis Awareness Month Series
September 30, 2019 - Arthritis Awareness Month Series
September 19, 2019 - Arthritis Awareness Month Series
July 24, 2019 - NEW JointHealth™ Education courses
June 26, 2019 - Biosimilars: The next generation of biologic treatment for inflammatory arthritis patients
April 18, 2019 - Arthritis science: What’s new in the research zoo? #CRArthritis2019
February 14, 2019 - Mental health and arthritis: a complex relationship
December 20, 2018 - Happy Holidays from ACE!
November 29, 2018 - Special Report: Arthritis in the Canadian Workforce
September 7, 2018 - Where is arthritis? Everywhere!
August 9, 2018 - JointHealth™ Smart Design for People Living with Arthritis
June 15, 2018 - JointHealth™ Education
April 27, 2018 - What's new in the science of arthritis?
February 1, 2018 - Getting “Patient Satisfaction” from Arthritis Health Care
September 22, 2017 - Getting “Patient Satisfaction” from Arthritis Health Care
August 23, 2017 - It's summertime
June 30, 2017 - Special edition: JointHealth™ Arthritis Medications Report Card and Medications Guide
March 17, 2017 - Arthritis in the workplace:
December 19, 2016 - Happy Holidays from ACE!
October 27, 2016 - ACE launches JointHealth™ Education
September 30, 2016 - Roughly 1 in 5 Canadians live with arthritis.
July 12, 2016 - The latest news on provincial drug formulary listing decisions
June 2016 - Medications Guide Edition, June 2016
May 2016 - Arthritis Research Update
December 2015 - How does your province compare?
October/November 2015 - Investing in employee health and wellness
September 2015 - Building Modern Arthritis Care for Modern Arthritis Patients
May 2015 - Arthritis Consumer Experts is looking for best workplaces for employees living with arthritis in 2015
April 2015 - Canada loses healthcare leader and arthritis patient champion
March 2015 - A consumer’s guide to arthritis medications
February 2015 - Celebrating arthritis research
January 2015 - New Year, New You!
November/December 2014 - The JointHealth™ Arthritis Medications
Report Card
October 2014 - Striving for arthritis customer satisfaction
September 2014 - Canada's Best Workplaces for Employees Living with Arthritis
August 2014 - Having summer fun with arthritis
June/July 2014 - PRECISION Inflammation Elimination
May 2014 - Three Women Who "Rock" Arthritis
April 2014 - Private insurance and arthritis
March 2014 - March-ing into action
February 2014 - Innovations in Arthritis Treatment
December 2013 - The Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC) holds its first Conference and Research Symposium
October/November 2013 - The value of clinical trials in Canada
September 2013 - Attention arthritis shoppers!
Summer 2013 - EULAR 2013: Putting the spotlight on RA
April 2013 - Working with you to improve JointHealth™
March 2013 - Transforming arthritis healthcare in Canada
February 2013 - Heart's content
January 2013 - Net worth: getting the most out of social media
December 2012 - Arthritis and You
Special Edition - Leveling the field: Do we have fairness in Canada yet?
October 2012 - SARDs: What are they?
September 2012 - Joint Efforts | Report Card and Medications Guide Edition
Summer 2012 - Living actively with arthritis
June 2012 - The Pharmacist: An Important Arthritis Healthcare Team Member
May 2012 - May is Ankylosing Spondylitis month
April 2012 - Arthritis: a lifelong disease requiring a long-term plan
March 2012 - The survey results are in: here's what you had to say
February 2012 - Art History and Arthritis
January 2012 - People with arthritis are "heroes"
December 2011 - The impact of arthritis: Today’s reality. Tomorrow’s great challenge.
November 2011 - More than a 100 different types of arthritis affect 4.6 million Canadians.
September 2011 - National Arthritis Awareness Month in Canada
July/August 2011 - Arthritis: A woman's disease?
June 2011 - Exercise and good nutrition
April/May 2011 - Parenting with arthritis
March 2011 - Announcing Year Two of the National Arthritis Awareness Program
February 2011 - Important things to know about “natural” treatment approaches
January 2011 - Depression as a symptom of arthritis: treatment, coping strategies, and support
December 2010 - Access to healthcare professionals
November 2010 - BC SPECIAL EDITION
November 2010 - Social Media
September 2010 - Leveling the Field in Canada:
July 2010 - Updated Medications Guide and Report Card
June 2010 - National Arthritis Awareness Program Launches Phase Two: Reaching Out to Primary Care Physicians
Winter 2010 - Do I have arthritis...and what do I do about it?
Fall 2009 - National Arthritis Awareness Program Launches
August 2009 - Spotlight on osteoporosis
July 2009 - A well deserved vacation...
May/June 2009 - The importance of exercise
April 2009 - The pain of arthritis
March 2009 - Medication treatment for inflammatory arthritis
February 2009 - Work issues: employment and inflammatory arthritis
January 2009 - Patient participation in research
December 2008 - Treatment guidelines
November 2008 - Smart design choices
October 2008 - Canadian election issue
September 2008 - ACE campaign to end discrimination against people with arthritis
July/August 2008 - Arthritis and stress
June 2008 - ACE launches new website
May 2008 - Arthritis: not just your grandmother's disease
April 2008 - Survey Results
March 2008 - Overview of groundbreaking research presented at 2007 American College of Rheumatology scientific meeting
February 2008 - Facts and figures about arthritis in Canada
January 2008 - Economic burden of arthritis on the health care system in Canada
December 2007 - Importance of timely treatment for all forms of arthritis
November 2007 - Discrimination against people who live with arthritis
September/October 2007 - Special edition: JointHealth™ arthritis medications guide
July/August 2007 - Introductions to latest JointHealth™ podcasts
June 2007 - Sleep, fatigue, and arthritis
May 2007 - Canadian Arthritis Network
April 2007 - Living well and staying active with arthritis
March 2007 - Treatments for different types of arthritis
February 2007 - Special edition: Becoming an arthritis activist
January 2007 - Arthritis and family
December 2006 - Diet and nutrition in arthritis treatment
October/November 2006 - Alliance for the Canadian Arthritis Program
September 2006 - Aboriginal Canadians and Rheumatoid arthritis
July/August 2006 - Priority standards for arthritis prevention and care
May/June 2006 - Evidence-based research on exercise and arthritis
April 2006 - Report from the Summit on the Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
March 2006 - Food, exercise and arthritis
February 2006 - Health policy and prescription medications in Canada
January 2006 - Personal stories from people who live with arthritis
October 2005 - Research on popular diets
September 2005 - Special edition: JointHealth™ arthritis medications guide
Summer 2005 - The effects of lifestyle and arthritis on Canadians
June 2005 - Diet, nutrition and exercise for people with arthritis and osteoporosis
May 2005 - Summit on Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
March/April 2005 - MLA Breakfast
February 2005 - ACE's survey on NSAID use in Canada
December 2004/January 2005 - American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2004 Annual Scientific Meeting
October/November 2004 - Topics related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
September 2004 - Arthritis research, education and advocacy news
September 25, 2024 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2024
- Arthritis Consumer Experts National Survey Report on Private Health Insurance Part One: Understanding the Private Health Insurance Experience for Canadians with Arthritis
July 31, 2024 - JointHealth™ insight – Summer 2024
- Arthritis A-Z: Your Questions Answered
May 15, 2024 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2024
- Medication reimbursement coverage in Canada - A current snapshot
February 21, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – February 2024
- Today’s arthritis experience in Canada: The view from the street
November 8, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – November 2023
- Arthritis Consumer Experts National Survey Report on Arthritis and Health Literacy: Part 2
September 19, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2023
- Arthritis Consumer Experts National Survey Report on Arthritis and Health Literacy: Part 1
July 19, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – Summer 2023
- Arthritis Consumer Experts National Survey Report on Osteoarthritis in Canada
May 31, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2023
- From discovery to the patient: The long and winding road towards drug development, review and public reimbursement in Canada
April 13, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – Spring 2023
- The latest advances in Canadian arthritis research
March 31, 2023 - JointHealth™ insight – Special Edition: March 2023
- Biosimilars use expanding across Canada
December 14, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – December 2022
- Osteoarthritis in Canada: Prevention, treatment and management
November 24, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – November 2022
- Arthritis Consumer Experts Survey Report on Arthritis and Health Inequities
September 6, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2022
- Arthritis Consumer Experts Survey Report on Arthritis and Mental Health
May 18, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2022
- Arthritis Consumer Experts Survey Report on Arthritis and Exercise
April 6, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – Spring 2022
- Leading Science: The latest advances in Canadian arthritis research
February 28, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – February 2022
- Living with Lupus
January 31, 2022 - JointHealth™ insight – January 2022
- ACE’s Focus for 2022: Patient-driven education and advocacy
December 15, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – November/December 2021
- Aging and arthritis
September 15, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – September 2021
- ACE National Survey on Arthritis Self-Advocacy
July 29, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – July/August 2021
- ACE National Survey report on arthritis medications reimbursement for people with arthritis
May 18, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2021
- ACE National Survey on virtual care services for people living with arthritis: Examining virtual health inequities
April 16, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – April 2021
- Survey results: ACE National Survey on virtual care for people living with arthritis
March 17, 2021 - JointHealth™ insight – March 2021
- What’s new in arthritis research?
December 17, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – December 2020
- 2020 Wrapped: ACE wishes you a safe, healthy holiday season
December 9, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – Fall 2020
- Health inequities in arthritis: Structural racism affecting Indigenous Peoples’ Healthcare
September 23, 2020 - Health and wellness decision-making during a pandemic
- Balancing quality of life, safety, individual choice and collective responsibility
August 26, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight - August 2020
- Are we in an “infodemic”?
July 14, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight - July 2020
- Re-opening and what it means for workers living with arthritis
June 23, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight: Special Edition – June 2020
- Challenges faced by students with inflammatory arthritis in an online learning environment
May 28, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – May 2020
- "By, For, and With" People With Arthritis For 20 Years
May 5, 2020 - JointHealth™ insight – Spring 2020
- What's new in rheumatic disease research in the age of COVID-19?
December 18, 2019 - JointHealth™ insight – November/December 2019
- Arthritis Consumer Experts: 2019 Year in Review
October 12, 2019 - Arthritis Awareness Month Series
- Part 3 - Recovering from Joint Replacement Surgery, a patient’s perspective
September 30, 2019 - Arthritis Awareness Month Series
- Part 2 - The Road to Joint Replacement Surgery
September 19, 2019 - Arthritis Awareness Month Series
- Part 1 - Osteoarthritis and Heart Health
July 24, 2019 - NEW JointHealth™ Education courses
- Psoriatic Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Sign up now!
June 26, 2019 - Biosimilars: The next generation of biologic treatment for inflammatory arthritis patients
- In this issue of JointHealth™ insight, we provide patients with inflammatory arthritis important facts to help them understand biosimilars and have an informed conversation with their healthcare provider.
April 18, 2019 - Arthritis science: What’s new in the research zoo? #CRArthritis2019
- #CRArthritis2019 – Bringing the latest research and knowledge from the Canadian rheumatology community to people living with arthritis
February 14, 2019 - Mental health and arthritis: a complex relationship
- Relationships between depression, "brain fog" and inflammatory arthritis
- Burden of depression
- Recognizing and managing depression and anxiety
- Prevent depression and anxiety
- Love, sex, and arthritis
December 20, 2018 - Happy Holidays from ACE!
- Arthritis Consumer Experts’ Year in Review
- Holiday tips
November 29, 2018 - Special Report: Arthritis in the Canadian Workforce
- A discussion on the 2018 winners of Canada’s Best Workplaces for Employees Living with Arthritis award
- Impact of arthritis on the Canadian Workforce
- Making it work - Dr. Diane Lacaille
September 7, 2018 - Where is arthritis? Everywhere!
- It’s at school. At work. At home. Your grandparents have it. Your doctor has it. Your child has it. You may have it.
August 9, 2018 - JointHealth™ Smart Design for People Living with Arthritis
- In this issue of JointHealth™ insight, we look at how smart choices in our living environments can make our arthritis experience easier, safer, and less painful.
June 15, 2018 - JointHealth™ Education
- Advanced Therapies for Inflammatory Arthritis
April 27, 2018 - What's new in the science of arthritis?
- #CRArthritis - Bringing the latest research and knowledge from the Canadian rheumatology community to the laptops and mobile devices of people living with arthritis.
February 1, 2018 - Getting “Patient Satisfaction” from Arthritis Health Care
- What You Told ACE
September 22, 2017 - Getting “Patient Satisfaction” from Arthritis Health Care
- Surveying arthritis patients to advance care
August 23, 2017 - It's summertime
- What's hot in arthritis research?
June 30, 2017 - Special edition: JointHealth™ Arthritis Medications Report Card and Medications Guide
- Arthritis Consumer Experts releases its 10th Annual JointHealth™ Arthritis Medications Report Card and Medications Guide
March 17, 2017 - Arthritis in the workplace:
- Are employers and employees speaking the same language?
December 19, 2016 - Happy Holidays from ACE!
- A time to give thanks, reflect on the past and look forward to the future
October 27, 2016 - ACE launches JointHealth™ Education
- North America’s first on-line classroom designed to educate, empower and graduate today’s modern arthritis patient
September 30, 2016 - Roughly 1 in 5 Canadians live with arthritis.
- Where is our social movement?
July 12, 2016 - The latest news on provincial drug formulary listing decisions
- Important news for people living with inflammatory arthritis in Canada
June 2016 - Medications Guide Edition, June 2016
- State of Arthritis Medications: Some old, some new, all important
May 2016 - Arthritis Research Update
- The ACE Report
December 2015 - How does your province compare?
- Arthritis Consumer Experts is pleased to publish its ninth annual JointHealth™ Arthritis Medications Report Card
October/November 2015 - Investing in employee health and wellness
- Arthritis Consumer Experts is pleased to announce the winners of our second annual search for Canada's Best Workplaces for Employees Living with Arthritis.
September 2015 - Building Modern Arthritis Care for Modern Arthritis Patients
- A pan-Canadian Approach to Inflammatory Arthritis Models of Care
May 2015 - Arthritis Consumer Experts is looking for best workplaces for employees living with arthritis in 2015
- 2nd annual Canada wide search recognizes best arthritis practices in the workplace
April 2015 - Canada loses healthcare leader and arthritis patient champion
- This issue of JointHealth™ monthly is dedicated to the life and legacy of Dr. Frank.
March 2015 - A consumer’s guide to arthritis medications
- The JointHealth™ Medications Guide issue
February 2015 - Celebrating arthritis research
- In this JointHealth™ monthly, we showcase research stories that demonstrate the value of collaboration between those who conduct research and those who use its results – consumers likes us, people living with arthritis.
January 2015 - New Year, New You!
- In our first JointHealth™ monthly of 2015, we are focusing on initiatives that help Canadian women better manage their health and improve their quality of life.
November/December 2014 - The JointHealth™ Arthritis Medications
Report Card
- How Does Your Province Measure Up?
October 2014 - Striving for arthritis customer satisfaction
- Always on the lookout for ways to improve arthritis consumer satisfaction, each year Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) runs JointHealth™ Program Satisfaction and Interest surveys.
September 2014 - Canada's Best Workplaces for Employees Living with Arthritis
- And the winners are...
August 2014 - Having summer fun with arthritis
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, we take a closer look at three popular sports for people living with arthritis and summer outdoor activities such as camping, going to the beach or hanging out by a swimming pool.
June/July 2014 - PRECISION Inflammation Elimination
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly we take a closer look at the most current research and models of care around three types of autoimmune arthritis—rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and psoriatic arthritis (PsA)—through a new Canadian research study called PRECISION.
May 2014 - Three Women Who "Rock" Arthritis
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) is proud to profile three women who "rock" the arthritis world.
April 2014 - Private insurance and arthritis
- Making it work, at work
March 2014 - March-ing into action
- March is Childhood Arthritis Awareness Month
February 2014 - Innovations in Arthritis Treatment
- The JointHealth™ Report Card and Arthritis Medications Guide issue
December 2013 - The Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC) holds its first Conference and Research Symposium
- Arthritis community unites in nation's capital
October/November 2013 - The value of clinical trials in Canada
- Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) has partnered with the Canadian Rheumatology Research Consortium (CRRC) to create a clinical trial education and awareness plan.
September 2013 - Attention arthritis shoppers!
- Arthritis Consumer Experts and the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada partner with Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix
Summer 2013 - EULAR 2013: Putting the spotlight on RA
- Focusing on rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Consumer Experts highlights a few important new research findings.
April 2013 - Working with you to improve JointHealth™
- To the many people from all over Canada who filled out the survey, thank you! In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, we discuss the results of that survey.
March 2013 - Transforming arthritis healthcare in Canada
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, Arthritis Consumer Experts explores how to improve arthritis healthcare in Canada from a regional and national perspective.
February 2013 - Heart's content
- What do physical health, emotional wellbeing, and healthy relationships have in common?
January 2013 - Net worth: getting the most out of social media
- What is eHealth? How can people with arthritis, their doctors, and their advocates get the most out of computer technology, such as smartphone apps and social media? Why care? Find out in this issue of JointHealth™ monthly.
December 2012 - Arthritis and You
- Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) wants to find ways to serve you better with future JointHealth™ materials. In this December issue of JointHealth™ monthly, ACE is asking you to participate in various activities that will help us reach our goals. In return, we are offering various gift cards as a reward for getting involved in some of the activities. In some cases, we may publish your written submissions.
Special Edition - Leveling the field: Do we have fairness in Canada yet?
- Many different groups face discrimination for a variety of reasons such as age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, and disability status. Most people view these kinds of discrimination as unfair and unethical. People living with arthritis face their own form of discrimination.
October 2012 - SARDs: What are they?
- You may have heard of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis but have you heard of lupus, Sjögren’s syndrome, scleroderma, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, or systemic vasculitides?
September 2012 - Joint Efforts | Report Card and Medications Guide Edition
- Another year has gone by, bringing us to September and Arthritis Awareness Month in Canada. This is when the arthritis community unites to raise the profile of arthritis.
Summer 2012 - Living actively with arthritis
- The 2012 Summer Olympic Games opened on July 27, drawing our attention to the hard work and dedication of athletes who perform on behalf of their countries. In honour of the Games, this summer issue of JointHealth™ monthly is dedicated to keeping active despite, and because of, arthritis.
June 2012 - The Pharmacist: An Important Arthritis Healthcare Team Member
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) explores the future of healthcare delivery that includes the increasing role pharmacists will be playing.
May 2012 - May is Ankylosing Spondylitis month
- To help us better understand ankylosing spondylitis and to find out more about the current state of its diagnosis and treatment, we sat down with representatives from the CSA and the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada (ARC).
April 2012 - Arthritis: a lifelong disease requiring a long-term plan
- Generally, sicker Canadians are more likely to have below-average income (they are also less likely to have post-secondary education, and tend to be older and live in a rural community), so often cannot pay for their medications.
March 2012 - The survey results are in: here's what you had to say
- Early this year, Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) ran a survey to find out how satisfied you, our members and JointHealth™ subscribers, are with the information and the communications tools we provide. We are pleased to report the survey findings in this issue of JointHealth™ monthly.
February 2012 - Art History and Arthritis
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly discover which artists had arthritis and how they made the best of their circumstances to continue making art while living with the pain of arthritis.
January 2012 - People with arthritis are "heroes"
- People who live with arthritis are “heroes” because in spite of their pain, disability, and fatigue, they still go to work, raise their children, care for elderly parents, maintain relationships with friends and spouses, and for the sake of emotional and physical health continue to participate in hobbies and exercise. Here are five stories of real heroes.
December 2011 - The impact of arthritis: Today’s reality. Tomorrow’s great challenge.
- Possibly the biggest health challenge facing Canadian federal and provincial governments as the senior population soars over the next 20 years, will be the growing rate of arthritis.
November 2011 - More than a 100 different types of arthritis affect 4.6 million Canadians.
- Report Card and Medications Chart Edition
September 2011 - National Arthritis Awareness Month in Canada
- In honour of Arthritis Awareness Month, the NAAP’s co-leaders, the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada (ARC) and Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) are excited to announce the launch of ArthritisID and ArthritisID PRO.
July/August 2011 - Arthritis: A woman's disease?
- Scientific research informs us that due to physiological and physical differences from men, women are more likely to get certain types of arthritis, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
June 2011 - Exercise and good nutrition
- Essentials for a complete arthritis treatment plan
April/May 2011 - Parenting with arthritis
- Raising a family can be challenging, but many find it is one of the most exciting times of their lives. JointHealth™ monthly looks at what people with arthritis can do to make parenthood a bit easier.
March 2011 - Announcing Year Two of the National Arthritis Awareness Program
- The success of Year One has led ACE to launch the second year of NAAP.
February 2011 - Important things to know about “natural” treatment approaches
- The evidence on the use of vitamin D and calcium
January 2011 - Depression as a symptom of arthritis: treatment, coping strategies, and support
- People living with rheumatoid arthritis are twice as likely as the rest of the population to experience depression.
December 2010 - Access to healthcare professionals
- (ACE) ran a survey to seek our members' and JointHealth™ subscribers' views on their satisfaction with their access to healthcare professionals
November 2010 - BC SPECIAL EDITION
- Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEBs)
- Making Sense of New Treatment Options for Autoimmune Diseases
November 2010 - Social Media
- Your health, the internet and social media: making it work for you
September 2010 - Leveling the Field in Canada:
- Moving Toward Reimbursement Equality in Biologic Therapy for Canadians with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
July 2010 - Updated Medications Guide and Report Card
- Most up-to-date versions of these two valuable resources for those living with arthritis
June 2010 - National Arthritis Awareness Program Launches Phase Two: Reaching Out to Primary Care Physicians
- Point of practice tool
- Getting Involved
Winter 2010 - Do I have arthritis...and what do I do about it?
- Three web workshops discussing prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis
Fall 2009 - National Arthritis Awareness Program Launches
- The heavy toll of arthritis
- Research advances make the difference
- We need your support
August 2009 - Spotlight on osteoporosis
- Diagnosing osteoporosis
- Treating osteoporosis
- Risk factors for osteoporosis
- Osteoporosis and inflammatory arthritis
July 2009 - A well deserved vacation...
- Planning
- Transportation
- While there
- Other resources for travellers with arthritis or related conditions
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
May/June 2009 - The importance of exercise
- Eight ways to get started exercising
- Tailoring your exercise to your disease type and situation
- Taking steps to get fit
- Playing outside
April 2009 - The pain of arthritis
- What is pain
- What causes pain
- Managing pain
- Ten tips for pain management
March 2009 - Medication treatment for inflammatory arthritis
- Remission as a goal of inflammatory arthritis treatment
- Making decisions about treatment: is switching from one biologic medication to another effective?
- New treatment targets in the pipeline
February 2009 - Work issues: employment and inflammatory arthritis
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, we look at a critical issue facing many people who live with arthritis: work disability. We also include a spotlight on diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).
January 2009 - Patient participation in research
- in this on-line issue we offer you ways to get involved with arthritis research
- ACE also announces our exciting partnership with the National Databank for Rheumatic Diseases and our new feature called “Organization Spotlight”.
December 2008 - Treatment guidelines
- In this on-line issue of JointHealth monthly, we present information on treatment guidelines for rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis
- Spotlight on fibromyalgia
November 2008 - Smart design choices
- In this issue of JointHealth monthly, we look at how smart design choices can make living with arthritis easier, safer, and less painful.
October 2008 - Canadian election issue
- In this special Canadian election issue of JointHealth™ monthly, we bring you timely information about the growing crisis of arthritis in Aboriginal communities in Canada.
- The failure of the Non-Insured Health Benefits medication plan to meet the needs of Aboriginals with arthritis.
- Some ideas about how people with arthritis can take action during this election campaign.
September 2008 - ACE campaign to end discrimination against people with arthritis
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, we provide you with information about the ACE campaign to end discrimination against people with arthritis, as well as ways you can get involved.
- Updated Report Card on Provincial Formulary Listings for Biologic Response Modifiers.
July/August 2008 - Arthritis and stress
- In this issue of JointHealth™ monthly, we look at causes of stress, the impact that stress can have on your body, and how having arthritis fits into the picture, and we provide some healthy strategies for dealing with stress.
- Spotlight on scleroderma.
June 2008 - ACE launches new website
- Arthritis Consumer Experts is excited to announce the launch of our new website, The new site provides the latest information about all aspects of the most common types of arthritis-causes, prevention, medications and other treatments, access to healthcare, and much more.
May 2008 - Arthritis: not just your grandmother's disease
- Spotlight on osteoarthritis
- Spotlight on juvenile idiopathic arthritis
April 2008 - Survey Results
- The JointHealth™ Survey on Arthritis Treatment and Care
- The results are in
- What you told us: key survey findings
March 2008 - Overview of groundbreaking research presented at 2007 American College of Rheumatology scientific meeting
- Breaking new ground for people living with arthritis
- Lifestyle and family
- Work and disability
- Coping
- Medications
- Non-medication treatments
- Health services
February 2008 - Facts and figures about arthritis in Canada
- Arthritis across Canada
- Who gets arthritis
- Economic costs of arthritis
- Human costs of arthritis
- Discrimination against arthritis
- ACE in Ottawa
January 2008 - Economic burden of arthritis on the health care system in Canada
- Arthritis and disability—the human cost
- ACAP's priority standards
- The path to better care—a roadmap for excellence in arthritis prevention and treatment in Canada
- Dollars and sense—the cost of disability in Canada
- What is possible: lessons from HIV/AIDS
December 2007 - Importance of timely treatment for all forms of arthritis
- Access denied: Barriers to appropriate timely treatment
- Sam's story
- "What am I waiting for?" Reasons why people delay seeking appropriate timely treatment
- Osteoarthritis: optimal body weight helps to prevent joint damage
- spotlight on juvenile dermatomyositis
- Arthritis Consumer Experts-a preview of 2008
November 2007 - Discrimination against people who live with arthritis
- Arthritis and discrimination
- Arthritis in the media: the forgotten disease
- Spotlight on rheumatoid arthritis
September/October 2007 - Special edition: JointHealth™ arthritis medications guide
- Arthritis medications in Canada
- Provincial medication report card
- Prescription medication reviews in Canada
- Medications: getting the facts
- Report card on provincial formulary reimbursement listings
- Arthritis medications chart
July/August 2007 - Introductions to latest JointHealth™ podcasts
- JointHealth™ podcasts
- Making your minutes count-how to get the most out of an appointment with your rheumatologist (or other health care provider)
- Spotlight on adult Still's disease
June 2007 - Sleep, fatigue, and arthritis
- I'm so tired: arthritis and fatigue
- How does fatigue affect your life?
- Tips for better sleep
- Spotlight on Sjogren's syndrome
May 2007 - Canadian Arthritis Network
- The Canadian Arthritis Network: Working towards a world free of arthritis
- Spotlight on psoriatic arthritis
- The Consumer Advisory Council
- The future of the Canadian Arthritis Network
April 2007 - Living well and staying active with arthritis
- Living with arthritis—keep doing the things you love to do
- Getting physical—sports, recreation and arthritis
- Spotlight on lupus—systemic lupus erythematosus or "SLE"
March 2007 - Treatments for different types of arthritis
- Difficulties in diagnosing arthritis
- Spotlight on ankylosing spondylitis
- Tips for getting referred to a rheumatologist
- Treating arthritis: inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis
February 2007 - Special edition: Becoming an arthritis activist
- Make your voice heard—speak out about arthritis treatment and care in Canada
- Tools for speaking out
- Facts and Messages
January 2007 - Arthritis and family
- Arthritis and family: the importance of healthy communication
- Advice for partners of people living with arthritis
- Intimacy and arthritis
December 2006 - Diet and nutrition in arthritis treatment
- Arthritis, diet, and nutrition: What is proven, what is not
- Weight loss and arthritis
- Practical tips for cooking with arthritis
- Glucosamine: Does it really work?
October/November 2006 - Alliance for the Canadian Arthritis Program
- Arthritis 101 - Implementing national standards for arthritis prevention and care
- Introducing ACE's JointHealth™ podcast program
- Results from the Survey to Help Implement the Alliance for the Canadian Arthritis Program's Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
September 2006 - Aboriginal Canadians and Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis and the aboriginal population - what the research says
- ACE 2006 workshop schedule - including venues
- I am a First Nation Canadian and have lived with rheumatoid arthritis since I was 33 years old
July/August 2006 - Priority standards for arthritis prevention and care
- ACE 2006 workshop schedule - including venues
- ACE's activities - thank you for making 2005 a success!
May/June 2006 - Evidence-based research on exercise and arthritis
- Exercise: what the latest research has to say
- ACE 2006 workshop schedule
- Listening to You: Are your syringes covered?
April 2006 - Report from the Summit on the Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
- 2006 Free Educational Workshop Schedule
- Arthritis isn't a big deal, until you get it
- Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
- Priority standards for implementation
- Setting the research agenda for additional Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
- Call to action
March 2006 - Food, exercise and arthritis
- Food and arthritis - does it make a difference
- Getting better mileage out of your joints with an oil change
- Gout: facts and myths
- Exercise and walking - 10,000 steps….. a walking program
- Listening to you: a consumer perspective...
February 2006 - Health policy and prescription medications in Canada
- Health policy obstacles in gaining access to safe and effective prescription medications
- Research into medication usage and the importance of consumer involvement in policy development
- Principles of a "national pharmaceuticals strategy" that serve the needs of people with arthritis
- Listening to you: a consumer perspective...
January 2006 - Personal stories from people who live with arthritis
- Listening to you: contributions from people living with arthritis
October 2005 - Research on popular diets
- End of Fall workshops, 2005
- De-mystifying popular diets
- Exercise for ankylosing spondylitis
- Sjögren's syndrome and inflammatory arthritis
- Iritis and ankylosing spondylitis
- News release from Summit on Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
September 2005 - Special edition: JointHealth™ arthritis medications guide
- Getting a referral from a family physician to a rheumatologist (arthritis specialist)
- Prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis
- The effects of rheumatoid arthritis on relationships
- Special Arthritis Medication Insert (Adobe Acrobat format)
- Summit on Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care, Nov 1-3, 2005
Summer 2005 - The effects of lifestyle and arthritis on Canadians
- Lifestyle : obesity and arthritis
- Children's Arthritis Foundation
- Fall 2005 workshop schedule
June 2005 - Diet, nutrition and exercise for people with arthritis and osteoporosis
- Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis: they are different diseases
- Bone and joint health - the role of calcium and vitamin D
- Exercise for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
- Fall 2005 workshop schedule
May 2005 - Summit on Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
- Summit on the Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care
- Spring 2005 workshop update
- Fall workshop schedule
- Have your voice heard at the Summit
March/April 2005 - MLA Breakfast
- 2005 Workshop Schedule
- MLA Breakfast in Victoria
- Employment, work and arthritis
February 2005 - ACE's survey on NSAID use in Canada
- 2005 Workshop Schedule
- Depression and rheumatoid arthritis
- What is Important to Canadians with Arthritis Taking NSAIDS?
December 2004/January 2005 - American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2004 Annual Scientific Meeting
- What it's like to go to the world's largest scientific meeting on arthritis
- Challenges in diagnosing early osteoarthritis
- Adult Still's disease
- Community FAQs
- ACE Consumer/Patient Survey on NSAID Use in Canada
October/November 2004 - Topics related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
- Rheumatoid arthritis should be considered a medical emergency
- Education Physiotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis
- Research TNF inhibitors and bone and joint surgery in rheumatoid arthritis
- Feedback ACE Consumer/Patient Survey on NSAID Use in Canada
September 2004 - Arthritis research, education and advocacy news
- The Role of the Consumer in Research Decision Making
- Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis - The Earlier the Better
- Education Independent Living with Arthritis
- Fall Education Workshops Update