September 25, 2009
For Immediate Release
Month-long BC tour stops in Saanich to deliver engaging screening workshop for local businesses
(Saanich, BC) — As a part of National Arthritis Month, the Where is Arthritis? provincial tour arrived in Saanich today to conduct a free workshop for the employees and tenants of the Vancouver Island Technology Park. The Where is Arthritis? tour has been taking arthritis "on the road" this month to raise awareness for better care, education and prevention of the disease.
Saanich's free workshop was hosted at the conference centre of the Vancouver Island Technology Park. People working at all of the business and organizations at the facility were invited to learn about arthritis. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability for people over the age of 15, disabling two to three times more workers than all other chronic conditions. Dr. Ada Man conducted a lively and informative presentation on the disease, and an interactive demonstration of how physicians can screen for arthritis. During the question & answer session, workshop presenters Dr. Man and Cheryl Koehn debunked many of the myths and misunderstandings about arthritis. In addition to the discussion, the workshop also provided take away resources and information to help community members learn about arthritis and the opportunity to talk to a rheumatologist one-on-one.
"Although it affects one in six British Columbians, many people are unaware of how common arthritis is and the Where is arthritis? provincial tour is a chance to change how our communities see arthritis, to change how we live with arthritis, and to talk about what resources and support are critical to manage our health, wellness, and quality of life," said Cheryl Koehn, President of Arthritis Consumer Experts.
The Arthritis Society is supporting the tour as it visits communities in BC. "Arthritis is a vastly misunderstood disease. People do not know it can strike someone at any age and is actually among the top three chronic diseases in Canada," said Marg Vandenberg, Executive Director of The Arthritis Society, BC & Yukon Division. "The Arthritis Society works to ensure that British Columbians with arthritis have access to timely diagnosis, education, and appropriate care, and this tour will play an important role in supporting those efforts."
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