JointHealth™ express   May 29, 2019

Arthritis Consumer Experts is excited to host the 2nd annual Arthritis Broadcast Network (ABN) #Greek2Street social media event during this year's KT Canada Scientific Meeting.

Knowledge Translation (KT) is the umbrella term for all of the activities involved in moving research from the laboratory, research journal, and the academic conference into the minds of organizations and people who can put it to practical use in the clinical office to improve health outcomes.

Cheryl Koehn explains: “#Greek2Street is the magic behind good Knowledge Translation: getting language and ideas that sound like “Greek” out to the “street” so people can put scientific knowledge into action in our everyday lives.”

The event aims to de-mystify the world of KT through video and/or audio interviews with attendees and presenters of the KT Canada Scientific Meeting, happening this Thursday and Friday. If you would like to be interviewed, please contact Anita Chan at

Join the KT conversation online at the Arthritis Broadcast Network Facebook page or Twitter (@ArthritisNetwrk) feed using #Greek2Street. Interviews will be posted as they become available. Like, share and retweet the interviews, send us your comments or questions online or by email to A reminder that the interviews will remain on the ABN Facebook Page and will be made available on the ABN YouTube channel under “KT Canada: ABN #Greek2Street Social Media Event 2019“.

Please note the KT Canada Scientific Meeting is presented in English.