JointHealth™ express   May 31, 2019

Last call for nominations: Arthritis Alliance of Canada 2019 Research Awards Program

The AAC Research Awards program recognizes high quality research nationally in AAC priority areas. This recognition is intended to:

  1. Formally acknowledge the outstanding contributions of scientists and patient partners.
  2. Help researchers compete for and participate in national grants and programs in arthritis research
  3. Provide opportunities to highlight arthritis research in communications.
The AAC Research Award program includes eight awards categories, with one award per category valued at $750 CAD/award. The application deadline is May 31, 2019.

  1. Master's Student
  2. PhD Student
  3. Post-doctoral Fellow
  4. Early Career Researcher (Early Career Faculty Member/Investigator) in: Basic/Clinical Science
  5. Early Career Researcher (Early Career Faculty Member/Investigator) in: Health Science /Population Health
  6. Knowledge Translation Research (all career levels)
  7. Knowledge Translation Practice (all career levels)
  8. Patient for Active Engagement in Arthritis Research
Please find details of award description, eligibility and evaluation criteria in the AAC 2019 Research Award Overview.

AAC 2019 Research Awards Application Forms: