JointHealth™ express   July 20, 2010

Life with Arthritis in Canada

On Monday, July 19, 2010, the Public Health Agency of Canada released Life with Arthritis in Canada: A Personal and Public Health Challenge – the second seminal study of the status of arthritis in Canada today.

This report will profoundly change public perception of arthritis and the status of diagnosis, treatment and prevention in Canada for the one in six Canadians living with arthritis.

This comprehensive report covers the prevalence of arthritis across geography and demographics; examines the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors; presents data on disability and quality of life; highlights how First Nations, Métis and Inuit populations have more arthritis and at greater severity than non-aboriginals; looks at mortality statistics; presents cost estimates for expenditures surrounding chronic disease; examines pharmaceutical usage; and notes the data on hospital services and medical professionals involved in treating people with arthritis.

Write your Minister of Health about the latest news on arthritis. This report confirms and validates what a serious group of diseases arthritis is. Over 4.2 million Canadians or 16% of the population suffer from one of the 100 forms of arthritis. It is time that our elected officials start paying attention to people suffering from arthritis and develop a national model of care like they have for less burdensome diseases. Use the information on the ‘taking action’ section of to write your provincial Minister of Health.