JointHealth™ express   June 23, 2021

The ACE National Survey on Arthritis Self-Advocacy:
Know Yourself, Know What You Need, Know How to Get It

Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) is launching its national survey on arthritis self-advocacy for people living with arthritis. Your participation in this community-led research will help ACE better understand what you know about yourself and your disease, where you go to learn about things that are important to you, and how you go about self-advocating for what you need. Your responses to the questions in this Survey will help us develop information tools and education programming to best support you in your journey with arthritis.

The Survey is open to people living with any form of arthritis and will take approximately 12 minutes to complete. Your answers will be anonymous, and responses will be pooled for analysis. Your identity will not be known and the survey results will remain in a secure database. The survey deadline is July 14, 2021.

Click here to take the survey.

We sincerely thank you for your time and participation!

Arthritis Consumer Experts

P.S. If you are an arthritis health care provider, please help us spread the word about the survey by downloading the PDF poster and placing it in your patient waiting area.

Download PDF poster