JointHealth™ express   October 19, 2011

People with arthritis are “heroes”

For December, we have a special issue of JointHealth™ monthly planned . . . It will be about you or someone you know.

If you have arthritis or know someone who does, we want to hear the challenges and triumphs of living with the disease. Sharing your stories will help to empower others with arthritis.

To help you get started, here are a few questions to consider:
  • How long did it take for you to receive a diagnosis?
  • What were your thoughts and feelings before you found out you had a type of arthritis?
  • What, if anything, changed after being diagnosed?
  • What kind of treatment are you engaged in? For example, what kinds of medication are you taking, have you changed your lifestyle, or have you sought alternative treatments?
  • Have you ever been hospitalized due to your arthritis?
  • How do you manage day-to-day life, work, or parenting? What strategies get you through the day?
  • Has receiving a diagnosis changed the way you look at your life, friends, and family?
  • What activities do you participate in that might surprise or inspire others who live with arthritis? For example, do you play a sport, mountain climb, or do creative work with your hands?
  • If you care for someone living with arthritis, what makes that person an arthritis hero?
Include in your story a little bit about yourself (or the person you are writing about), such as your gender, the type of arthritis you have, your race or your ethnicity, where you are from, and your age, but only provide as much information as you are comfortable making public. If you like, send a photo of yourself to be placed alongside your story.

Your story may be edited for spelling, grammar, and length.

There is more than one way to tell your story. If you have other ways you express yourself, we would love to hear from you too. We are accepting poetry and/or photos of your artwork or craft project that tell your arthritis story.

If you are interested in participating, please send your story and a digital photograph (if applicable), as well as your name, disease-type, address, telephone number, and email address to Indicate whether you wish to have your story be anonymous, or if you wish to have your name published.

Please note that by sending us your story or photograph, you are giving ACE permission to use it on the JointHealth™ website, publications, and any other promotional materials related to Arthritis Consumer Experts or JointHealth™ programs.

There may not be room in the December issue of JointHealth™ monthly for all your submissions, so please let us know if you would be comfortable with ACE posting your story or photo to its Facebook page.

As always, please feel free to visit ACE’s Facebook page or the Arthritis is cured! (if you want it) National Arthritis Awareness Program Facebook page to post your stories and comments yourself.