JointHealth™ express   February 8, 2007

Our registration list indicates that you registered for the JointHealth™ workshop in St. John's, NL, September 14, 2006. We are interested in knowing your thoughts about the workshop now that some time has passed. As such, we are asking for your feedback about the workshop.

The feedback that you provide on this survey is critical to making our workshops better and more useful for others by guiding our advisory board in their development of future programs and workshops.

As importantly, the views and needs you share with us on this survey will help to inform the medical and research communities, as well as government. They need to hear what people with arthritis need and want to live better lives with their disease.

Simply click here and follow the instructions. We estimate the total time to complete the survey to be less than 5 minutes. Again, your responses will remain entirely anonymous.

Please note that there are two surveys on the secure Internet site, one for the person with arthritis or another chronic condition, and one for the person who attended the workshop as a family member or friend. If both people are available to complete the survey we would be very grateful, as feedback from both plays an important role in developing future workshops and education programs.

Again, please accept our sincere thanks for your participation at the workshop and in completing this survey.