JointHealth™ express   November 4, 2015

What has ACE done for you lately?

Promoting arthritis one tweet at a time

ACE helped lead social media activity in support of the Arthritis Alliance of Canada's (AAC) 2015 Annual Meeting and Research Symposium. ACE's analytics found more than 600,000 impressions (sets of eye) were reached through Twitter conversations throughout the two-day meeting.

ACE produced a social media (Twitter and Facebook) deck, full of rich knowledge translation content, for all AAC members to use through their individual and organizational Twitter and Facebook communications efforts.

Thank you for voting!

Thank you to all who made it out to vote on October 19, 2015. Arthritis consumers helped make this the highest voter turnout in 22 years. ACE also wants to thank the 1,792 Canadians who stepped up and ran as candidates. ACE is sending congratulatory letters to the 338 elected MPs, beginning the effort to raise awareness at a federal level. We also will be following up on the commitments the Liberal Party made in its response to the ACE election questionnaire and look forward to meeting with government officials.