JointHealth™ express   March 18, 2016

Arthritis in Saskatchewan – Surveying Saskatchewan electoral candidates

Do you have a burning question you would like to ask?

Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) asks Saskatchewan’s political leaders to share their plan on how to improve arthritis prevention, treatment and care.

Arthritis has devastating and debilitating effects on the lives of more than 150,000 Saskatchewan residents aged 15 years and above. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability and work disability in Saskatchewan. About a quarter of the population with arthritis between 20 and 54 years of age in Saskatchewan were not in the labour force because of their arthritis, costing Saskatchewan’s economy more than $640 million in productivity losses.

Arthritis Consumer Experts sent an open letter and survey to all candidates in the upcoming April 4th Saskatchewan provincial election. Tell us what you want to ask your candidates about arthritis prevention, treatment and care. ACE will be posting your questions on the Saskatchewan Election 2016 page, where you will also find the candidate and party responses to the ACE survey, categorized by party and arranged according to the date we receive them.

ACE does not endorse any candidate. Through this effort, we are seeking to reinforce our non-partisan advocacy efforts in Saskatchewan for a model of care that addresses arthritis consumer needs. A model of care for arthritis, when appropriately developed and implemented, provides arthritis consumers with optimal care while aiming to reduce resource burdens on the healthcare system.

We encourage you to:
  • Circulate this survey and candidate responses to friends, family, healthcare professionals, and your local media.
  • Reach out to your candidates; here are tips on how to communicate with your electoral candidates, please visit our "Taking Action" page and click on "What You Can Do".