JointHealth™ express   April 20, 2017

Free webinar - Citizen as KT agent: Keeping the government informed about research

The Michael Smith Foundation of Health Research and Arthritis Research Canada have partnered to co-develop and host a series of monthly expert-led, beginner-level KT training webinars with the goal of developing a sustainable resource for researchers and trainees to learn knowledge and skills that will enable them to develop KT practice in their work.

Webinar details Topic: Citizen as KT Agent: Keeping the government informed about research
Speaker: Cheryl Koehn, Founder and President of Arthritis Consumer Experts
Date and time: Friday, April 28, 2017 from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm PDT
Register: Please click here to register for this free webinar

"Citizen KT agents" have unique and varied lived experience, and in part, make up the views of the public-at-large. Their encounters, as patients-consumers, with health policy through publicly delivered health care services inform both health researchers and government. However, formal channels of communicating research results through the patient lens are often lacking and miss the "window of opportunity" to inform government policy development at strategically opportune times.

This webinar focuses on the important role citizens who are patients play in volunteering, working with and bridging the research community and policy maker worlds.

Learning objectives include:
  • Discuss the roles of patients as KT agents to bridge evidence and policy decision-making
  • Recognize the challenges experienced by patients-consumers in advocacy roles
  • Identify opportunities to partner with patients-consumers to facilitate evidence-informed decision making