Manitoba 2016 provincial election

Responses from the Electoral Candidates
Responses are arranged according to the date we received them. The first response received in each party appears at the top of that section.

The Manitoba Party individual candidate responses

Darrell Inkster – candidate for Dauphin

Date: March 23, 2016, 5:15AM PDT
Subject: re: Arthritis in Manitoba
From: Darrell Inkster


Hi Cheryl.

Thanks for your enquiry. As we are a new party of less than 6 months old, we are still in planning stages of policies especially in regards to one as important as health care. However that being said we are very willing to take input and advisement from groups such as yours. As a party we KNOW that the NDP have neglected and top loaded our health system with crippling top level beauracracy and red tape that we will have to remove and/or adjust. Please submit to me recommendations in regards to your arthritis group solutions and I will definitely pass it on to other candidates more familiar with health care policies as that is not my area of knowledge. Hope this helps and I look forward to working with you in the future especially if we are elected.

Darrell Inkster