Taking Action

Each of us has the power to change arthritis—together, we can change the way arthritis is perceived by the public, portrayed in the media, and understood by government. As people with arthritis, and their family members and friends, the arthritis community is in a unique position to provide media, government, and healthcare decision-makers with the real story of arthritis.

But none of us can do this alone. One or two voices may be easy to ignore, but speaking together we are powerful. The voice of arthritis—the voices of all of the people who live with the disease, or care about someone who does—is strong and getting stronger every day.

Please take the time to read through this section. Learn the facts about arthritis, and about the discrimination that people with arthritis face every day. Think about your own story, or the story of someone you love. When you're ready, join with us and take action.

Challenge the misperceptions. Speak up. Tell your story. Change arthritis.